Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected) 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected)

Admission Information

Application materials are available electronically at http://www.salem.edu. Contact Graduate Admissions at grad.admissions@salem.edu or call the Office of Admissions at 336-721-2600 for additional assistance.

New students in teaching-focused programs may begin in any term; new students in the MEd in School Counseling program begin in the fall semester. All application materials must be received by the graduate education office before any final admissions action will be taken. Admission to the graduate music program is continuous. For fall semester enrollment and priority consideration for assistantships and scholarships, it is suggested that students submit materials, including the pre-screening recording, by January 15.

Salem offers the following graduate degrees: the Master of Education (MEd), the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), and the Master of Music (MM). See specific admission requirements below.

Admission to Pursue Selected Graduate Coursework (Visiting Student Status)

A student with a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution may enroll for selected coursework at the graduate level as a non-degree or visiting student. If a non-degree student later applies to the graduate program and is accepted, credit earned on courses already taken may be applied to the degree, provided the course grade is B or better.

Application requirements for admission to selected graduate coursework include:

  1. Submission of a complete application
  2. Official undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) transcripts

Master of Education (MEd)

The MEd degree is offered in Educational Leadership, and School Counseling (K-12). The MEd in Educational Leadership prepares teachers for leadership roles and leads to principal licensure. The MEd in School Counseling prepares teachers and professionals in other related fields with the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions required for a career in school counseling.

Application requirements for admission to the MEd programs include:

  1. Submission of a complete online application, including contact information for two professional recommendations, a signed statement of adherence to the college honor code, a CPL (Candidate for Professional Licensure) form, and consent for criminal background check.
  2. Submission of an official transcript from an institution accredited by an accreditor that is recognized by the Council for Higher Education or the U.S. Department of Education showing completion of a baccalaureate degree with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0
  3. Submission of official transcript(s) of all graduate coursework
  4. Submission of copy of A level teaching license or evidence of eligibility (not required for applicants to MEd in School Counseling program)
  5. Submission of a writing sample as outlined on application
  6. If accepted, a one-time enrollment deposit of $100 is required and will credited to the first semester’s tuition

Types of admission status for MEd programs:

  1. Full: An applicant who meets all criteria for admission to the desired MEd program may be granted full admission. These requirements include the following:
    1. Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited by an accreditor that is recognized by the Council for Higher Education or the U.S. Department of Education at the time the credit was awarded
    2. Minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 or minimum graduate-level grade point average of 3.0 (minimum of 12 completed hours of graduate coursework)
    3. Relevant degrees, coursework, licensure, or work experience in specialty area for which candidate is applying
    4. Satisfactory writing sample
    5. Two professional recommendations
    6. Acceptable criminal background check
  2. Conditional: If the admissions committee determines that an applicant has failed to meet any of the requirements for full admission, the committee may decide to extend the offer of conditional admission to that applicant. Conditional admission may be considered but is not limited to the following situations:
    1. Minimum undergraduate grade point average between 2.75 and 2.9
    2. Writing samples that indicate potential but demonstrate some area(s) of concern
    3. Teacher licensure in an area not related to the desired MEd field
    4. Need for additional coursework or experiences in the desired MEd field (not applicable to school counseling)

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

The MAT degree is offered in Art (K-12), Elementary Education (K-6), General Curriculum Special Education (K-12), French (K-12), Spanish (K-12), and Middle (6-8)/Secondary (9-12) content areas. Candidates completing Phase 1 of these programs qualify for initial (A-level) licensure; candidates qualify for master’s level (M-level) licensure and a graduate degree at the conclusion of Phase 2. The MAT programs are also appropriate for teachers who are currently licensed but not in one of these areas. Add-on licensure programs in academically and intellectually gifted (AIG) are available for teachers who already hold valid teaching licenses in other areas.

Admission to the MAT programs occurs in two phases: Phase 1: Licensure; Phase 2: Graduate Candidacy

Application requirements for admission to Phase 1, Licensure, include:

  1. Submission of a complete online application, including two professional recommendations, a signed honor code, a Candidate for Professional Licensure (CPL) form, a background check, and a signed acknowledgement of field experience and internship policies.
  2. Submission of an official transcript from an institution accredited by an accreditor that is recognized by the Council for Higher Education or the U.S. Department of Education showing successful completion of a baccalaureate degree
  3. If accepted, a one-time enrollment deposit of $100 is required and will credited to the first semester’s tuition

Types of admission status for MAT Phase 1:

  1. Full: An applicant who meets all criteria for admission to the MAT program may be granted full admission. These requirements include the following:
    1. Bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited by an accreditor that is recognized by the Council for Higher Education or the U.S. Department of Education
    2. Minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0
    3. Relevant degrees or coursework in the specialty area for which candidate is applying
    4. Two professional recommendations
    5. Acceptable criminal background check
  2. Conditional: Candidates who do not meet the minimum GPA or undergraduate major/coursework requirements may request consideration for conditional admission. Candidates requesting conditional acceptance should submit the following information:
    1. Professional resume
    2. Two letters of recommendation from persons who can attest to the applicant’s academic potential or to the applicant’s potential as a teacher. Persons providing the references should not be related to the applicant
    3. A personal statement explaining applicant’s potential for success as an MAT student and as a professional educator or any extenuating circumstances which might have impacted undergraduate performance
    4. Official transcripts from graduate level coursework, if applicable

Applicants who receive conditional admission must achieve a 3.0 GPA or higher by the completion of the first six hours of graduate work completed at Salem College. Applicants who receive conditional admission with requirements for additional content coursework must complete those requirements prior to student teaching.

Upon successful completion of Phase 1, students may submit an application for admission to graduate candidacy, or Phase 2.

Application requirements for admission to Phase 2 of the MAT program include:

  1. Submission of the Graduate Studies Application to enter MAT Phase 2
  2. Recommendation for teacher licensure
  3. Writing sample (sample (see application for prompt and directions)

Students who do not meet the requirements for admission to the graduate program (Phase 2) may complete teacher licensure (Phase 1). However, completion of the licensure phase (Phase 1), even with an acceptable grade point average, does not automatically qualify one for admission to the graduate degree program (Phase 2). Taking courses as a special student does not automatically qualify the student to enter the graduate degree program (Phase 2).

Admission to Obtain Add-on Licenses

Add-On licensure is available for Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG). Students with a baccalaureate degree and a valid NC teaching license may apply for the add-on licensure program.

Requirements for add-on licenses include:

  1. Submission of a complete online application, two professional recommendations, a signed honor code, and a CPL form
  2. Official undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) transcripts
  3. Submission of a copy of a valid NC teaching license

Additional Admissions Information

A licensed teacher who seeks to earn an initial teaching license may enter the MAT program. The College retains the right to inspect undergraduate transcripts for the appropriate breadth of liberal-arts courses for entrance to the MAT programs and the appropriate professional coursework and practicum experience for entrance to the MEd programs. Candidates may be required to pursue supplemental undergraduate coursework if deficiencies are perceived.

Master of Music (MM)

  1. Completed application, including:
    1. Two letters of recommendation
    2. Artistic statement
    3. Acceptable background check 
    4. Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions
  2. Pre-screening video recording
  3. Live or virtual audition
  4. If accepted, a one-time enrollment deposit of $100 is required and will credited to the first semester’s tuition

Pre-screening Recording Requirements

All applicants must submit a recent, unedited 10- to 15-minute pre-screening video recording(s) through an accepted online portal. The pre-screening recording must include at least two contrasting pieces; performances from memory are encouraged but not required.

The live or virtual audition may include the same pieces as the pre-screening recording. Keyboardists who are experiencing playing-related injuries must submit the most recent video recording of a live performance, and, if possible, documentation from a licensed health care provider of the playing-related injury. Camera angle(s) should include head, arms, hands, and feet.

Audition Repertoire - At least one piece must be memorized.

  1. Piano
    1. One work by a Baroque composer, such as J.S. Bach, D. Scarlatti, or Couperin, etc.
    2. One movement of a Classical sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, or Schubert
    3. One Romantic work from the 19th century by Chopin, Robert Schumann, Liszt, Mendelssohn, or Brahms, etc.
    4. One work by a major composer from 1890 to the present
  2. Organ
    1. One major work by J.S. Bach (Prelude/Fantasy/Toccata & Fugue or Trio Sonata)
    2. Two contrasting major works or movements from the 19th, 20th, or 21st century repertoires
    3. Performance of a hymn from a mainline denomination hymnal (list title, hymnal, and hymn number)

Backround Check

A background check is required for admission to the graduate Music program in the School of Music. As future music teachers, our graduate students will be working one-on-one with students of all ages, often in a private setting. Furthermore, the Lister-Sink Method of teaching incorporates Professional Tactile Guidance, a carefully devised way of using light and discrete touch on the hands, arms, and shoulders to help the student develop muscle awareness and control. For these reasons, the background check is another critical means of ensuring the integrity of the degree program and its students.

This background check requirement may be waived for students who are currently employed by organizations that require a background check. Such candidates must provide written evidence of clear screenings to grad.admissions@salem.edu.

Certificate in Injury Preventive Keyboard Technique

  1. Completed application, including:
    1. Two letters of recommendation
    2. Essay describing the applicant’s educational and professional background, their interest in the certificate program, and their motivation for applying to the program.
    3. Acceptable background check 
    4. Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions
  2. Video of most recent performance International Admissions

International students seeking admission to Salem College should submit the following documents:

  1. A formal application for admission as a grad student, as appropriate
  2. Exam results if student took GCEs, Ordinary Levels, Advanced Levels or International Baccalaureate exams
  3. TOEFL results (score must be at least 550 on the paper-based test, 213 on the computer-based test or 79 on the Internet-based test), IELTS results (score must be at least 6.5), or Duolingo results (score must be at least 100). See Conditional admission policy below
  4. A Certificate of Finance

All of the forms necessary for completing an application to Salem can be found on-line at www.Salem.edu.

A student whose native language is other than English should take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or Duolingo exam (DET) in time for their scores to be reported to the College. Generally, 550 is the minimum acceptable TOEFL score for the paper-based exam, 213 for the computer test and 79 for the Internet exam. Information and registration forms may be obtained online at www.ets.org/toefl/ or by writing to the Test of English as a Foreign Language, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. 08540. The IELTS test may be submitted in place of the TOEFL with a minimum score of 6.5 required. The Duolingo is also an acceptable substitute with a minimum score of 100.

Any student who has university credit from an international college or university must also submit a copy of her postsecondary transcript complete with a course-by-course evaluation of credit from World Education Services Inc. (WES), the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO) or Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE). WES can be reached at www.wes.org. AACRAO can be reached at www.aacrao.org/credential/. ECE can be reached at www.ece.org.

Salem College will not review international transcripts or award credit without an evaluation from WES, AACRAO or ECE. All credits accepted as a result of this evaluation will be given grades of P (“Pass”).

Notification of Admission

Each applicant will be notified in writing via email of the acceptance or rejection. Any appeal of the decision must be made in writing within ten (10) days to the director.

Transfer Credit Policy

Up to six (6) graduate semester hours may be transferred from another institution accredited by an accreditor that is recognized by the Council for Higher Education or the U.S. Department of Education at the time the credit was earned into a Salem College graduate education degree program. Official transcripts from the credit-granting institution must be submitted to the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies. Acceptance of transfer credit is subject to the approval of the program director. Transfer credit will not be given for courses with a grade lower than a B or for undergraduate courses.

Transfer Credit Appeals

Any appeal of admission or transfer credit decisions will be decided by the Graduate Education Council (GEC). Appeals must be made in writing to the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies The Dean will present the appeal to the Graduate Education Council for deliberation and will report the GEC’s decision back to the candidate.

Salem College Graduate Orientation

An orientation may be held for new graduate students prior to the beginning of the fall and spring terms. Candidates who have been accepted into the graduate program will be notified of upcoming orientation sessions. In order to obtain additional information about Salem’s programs, prospective candidates are also welcome to attend.