Oct 25, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected) 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected)

Campus Buildings and Facilities

Salem’s campus, located in Historic Old Salem, is a delightful blend of the past and present. Three buildings from the 19th-century town now serve as residence halls, classrooms and administrative offices. All of the buildings erected since then-as well as the brick walkways, hooded archways over doors and even the benches, light posts and steps-have been carefully designed to complement these earliest structures. Visitors from around the world come to Old Salem each year to see exhibits depicting early Moravian life and to take tours in horse drawn carriages. The most prominent building on campus is Main Hall, built in 1854 and located on Salem Square. It houses faculty and administrative offices, classrooms and a supply center.

The oldest building on campus, the Single Sisters House, was built in 1785. Extensive renovation of the house was completed in 2007, and it now serves as a welcome center and the home of the Single Sisters House Museum, open to the public. Also located in the building are the Office of Admissions, and seminar and lecture rooms. Residence halls are: South Hall (1805), built for the first Salem boarders; Alice Clewell Residence Hall (1922); Louisa Wilson Bitting Residence Hall (1930); Hattie Strong Residence Hall (1942); Mary Reynolds Babcock Hall (1955); and Dale H. Gramley Residence Hall (1965).

The Robert E. Elberson Fine Arts Center, completed in 1965, houses the Ralph P. Hanes Auditorium, which seats approximately 750 people; the H.A. Shirley Recital Hall, which seats 220; the Drama Workshop Theatre, which holds 150; extensive art-gallery space for exhibits by students as well as outside artists; a School of Music that includes 14 teaching studios and 28 practice rooms.

The Student Center, completed in spring 2014, houses a café and convenience store with outdoor patio seating; an office suite for the director of student activities and clubs and organization workroom; the Huber Theater which seats 90; flexible meeting spaces; many student gathering spaces; and the lower pleasure grounds, an outdoor patio with a fire-water feature.

The Salem Commons contains the fitness center and dance studio. Bryant Hall, a “great hall” that opens onto a beautiful brick courtyard, serves as an ideal location for official Salem meetings as well as student mixers, dances and band parties that attract students from other nearby colleges and universities.

Athletic Facilities

Salem offers a variety of physical education activities and intercollegiate sports. The Student Life and Fitness Center contains a 25-yard indoor swimming pool with six lanes for competition, varsity and practice gymnasium; a dance studio; fully equipped locker facilities; and faculty offices. Outdoor facilities include the Bert Lain Tennis Complex and Blixt Field, which consists of softball, and soccer fields. Additional practice fields are available.

Library Services

Salem Academy & College Library supports instruction and research at the undergraduate level and in the disciplines awarding graduate degrees. The library holds membership in the American Library Association and the Association of College & Research library. The main collection totals over 70,000 volumes and over 40,000 music scores, sheet music, and audio visual materials. Subscriptions to over 500,000 electronic books, more than 100,000 periodicals and serials, largely of scholarly content, and 138 databases are also maintained by the library. The library uses an online catalog for discovery of materials and which also provides access to electronic resources and journals. Course reserve materials, both electronically and in print, are available through the library. Through interlibrary loan service, students, faculty and staff may obtain materials from other libraries at no charge. Salem is also a member of the Triad Area Library Association (TALA), allowing students and faculty to borrow materials from nine area academic libraries. The library provides research services in person and online. Librarians work with classes across disciplines and one-on-one with students at all phases of the research process.

In addition to the main collection, the library holds: the Salem Academy and College Archives; a curriculum materials collection (supporting the undergraduate and graduate education curriculum); a film collection; and a popular reading collection.

The library is equipped with wireless internet access, group study rooms, private study spaces, desktop computers, laptops for checkout, printer, copier, and scanner. The library is open until midnight Sunday through Thursday and until 5pm on Friday during the fall and spring semesters. Extended hours are offered the week before and during final exams. A full description of the library’s resources, services, policies, and hours is found at https://library.salem.edu/.

Academic Computing Facilities

Although Salem College recommends that students bring a Windows or Mac laptop for personal academic use, the college also provides several computer labs for student use. In addition to printing services, these labs provide access to the Microsoft Office Suite as well as specialized software serving many academic divisions. The college also provides a specialized Apple Computer lab reserved for film editing, music, art and design applications. In addition to its own computer lab, the library offers laptop computers for checkout and a group-study room equipped with a large-screen monitor and PC. College classrooms are equipped with multimedia equipment for audio/video display. Separate, campus-wideWiFi networks are in place for student and faculty/staff WiFi use. Visitors can use limited-access guest WiFi networks.. 

Salem Academy and College Electronic Resources Usage Policy

Purpose and Scope

Salem Academy and College (“Salem”) recognizes the value of computers, networks, email, the Internet, and other electronic resources (collectively, “Electronic Resources”) to improve1 student learning and to enhance the administration and operation of its schools. In support of the mission and goals of the institution, Salem requires responsible use of Electronic Resources. This policy establishes general guidelines for students, employees, and guests regarding acceptable use of Electronic Resources owned, leased, operated, or maintained by Salem or on Salem’s behalf regardless of location. This policy may be supplemented and reviewed in conjunction with other specific use policies as established by Salem to govern use of Electronic Resources.

Acceptable Usage Responsibility

It is the policy of Salem to maintain an environment that promotes ethical and responsible conduct in all Electronic Resources usage, including any online network activities, by students and employees. It shall be a violation of this policy for any employee, student, or guest of Salem to engage in any activity that does not conform to the established purpose and guidelines set forth in this policy. Salem retains the following rights and recognizes the following obligations with respect to Electronic Resources usage:

  • To monitor Electronic Resource use and file storage used by all users as necessary for the following:
    • During administration of such systems.
    • When required by law, regulations, other Salem policies, or contractual obligations, including but not limited to compliance with a validly issued subpoena.
    • When required to protect the health or safety of individuals, the community, or the general public.
    • When required to perform essential functions in furtherance of Salem’s ‘s mission and operations.
    • When required to diagnose or correct issues with Electronic Resources, or to otherwise preserve the availability, integrity and confidentiality of Electronic Resources.
    • When required to investigate suspected violations of law, Salem policies, or other misconduct.
    • When required in connection with the Salem’s representation, claims, or defenses in a lawsuit or regarding a legal claim.
  • To assume no responsibility or liability for files or communications deleted due to violation of file, cloud, or storage allotments, network or other computer errors, miscommunication, human error, or any other circumstances resulting in data loss.
  • To manage (create, edit, or delete) user accounts.2
  • To monitor use of online activities, including without limitation real-time monitoring of network activity, limiting access to websites deemed harmful, and/or maintaining a log of Internet activity for later review, for the purpose of protecting users and limiting the potential for malware, ransomware, or other installations or intrusions that may damage, or impede access to, Electronic Resources.
  • To provide internal and external controls as appropriate and feasible. Such controls shall include the right to determine who will have access to Salem-owned equipment and electronic services, and to exclude those who do not abide by this acceptable use policy or other policies governing the use of school facilities, equipment, and materials. Salem reserves the right to restrict online destinations through software or other means.
  • To provide guidelines and make reasonable efforts to train students and employees regarding acceptable use expectations under this policy and other policies governing Electronic Resources usage.

Faculty and Staff Responsibility

  • Faculty and staff members who supervise or control students’ use of Electronic Resources or otherwise have the occasion to observe students’ use of Electronic Resources shall make reasonable efforts to monitor such use and ensure that it conforms with the mission and goals of Salem and the obligations of this policy.
  • Faculty and staff should make reasonable efforts to become familiar with the Electronic Resources they require students to use as part of their educational curriculum so that effective monitoring, instruction, and assistance may be achieved.

General Standards for Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources

Use of Salem’s Electronic Resources is a privilege that offers a wealth of information and opportunities for research. Where they are available, Electronic Resources are offered to students, employees, and guests of Salem at no cost. In order to maintain the privilege, users agree to learn and comply with all of the provisions of this policy, including the following general standards for acceptable use of Electronic Resources:

  • Except for incidental personal use, Electronic Resources must only be used in support of the educational, instructional, research, and business objectives of Salem.
  • Incidental personal use of Electronic Resources by employees is permitted provided such use does not interfere with the performance of job duties, cause Salem to incur costs, negatively impact network, system, or service performance for Salem users engaged in educational, research, academic instructional, and business activities, or otherwise violate this policy.
  • Students may use the Salem Electronic Resources for recreational purposes provided such use does not negatively impact network, system, or service performance for Salem users engaged in educational, research, instructional, and business activities, cause Salem to incur cost, or otherwise violate this policy.
  • Employees must adhere to the employment performance and conduct expectations set forth in the Faculty Guide and Personnel Manual as applicable. Students must adhere to the code of conduct set forth in the Student Handbook.
  • Users must use caution in electronically revealing their personal information. The unauthorized disclosure of the personal information of another user is prohibited.
  • Network accounts are to be used only by the authorized user to which the account is assigned or by Salem for an authorized purpose.
  • Use of Electronic Resources for the distribution, storage, or viewing of pornographic or similarly inappropriate material or files is dangerous to the integrity of the local area network and prohibited.
  • Subscriptions to Salem operated electronic mailing lists are automatically maintained. Users agree to membership within these mailing lists as a matter of course as they are used to communicate, often vital, information. Salem accounts are not to be used to sign up for third-party mailing lists, promotional emails, or other services unless such activities are directly related to the performance of Salem employees’ job functions or students’ educational activities and coursework.
  • Users are expected to display exemplary behavior in all aspects of Electronic Resources usage as a representative of the Salem community. As a community of honor, Salem expects Electronic Resources to be used by students and employees in a manner consistent with such interpersonal and ethical obligations. Salem prohibits the use of Electronic Resources for the purpose of cheating, stealing, making false or deceiving statements, plagiarism, vandalism, or harassment. Salem students and employees should use only the Electronic Resources they have been authorized to use in the ordinary course of their employment or student status at Salem.
  • Antivirus software must be installed on all computers used on campus. The failure to have antivirus software will be a violation of this policy. Please contact the Information Technology (IT) Help Desk if you need help obtaining or installing antivirus software.
  • Any use of the Salem network for commercial or political advertisements or solicitations is prohibited.
  • Users may not use Electronic Resources for the purpose of communicating the position or stance of Salem on any particular matter except where authorized.
  • Users may not install personal software (e.g., shareware, freeware) on Electronic Resources owned, leased, operated, or maintained by Salem.
  • Users may not use Electronic Resources to misappropriate or modify without authorization any information, files, data, or passwords belonging to other users.
  • Users may not use Electronic Resources to misrepresent their user status or identification on the network.
  • Users may not use the Salem network in a manner that disrupts its use by others (e.g. applications that negatively affect network bandwidth). Hardware and/or software on Electronic Resources shall not be destroyed, modified, or abused in any way. Certain network protocols will have their speeds throttled or controlled to ensure adequate access to available bandwidth.
  • Malicious use of Electronic Resources to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage the software components of a computer or computing system is prohibited.
  • The Salem network may not be used for downloading entertainment software or other files not related to the mission and objectives of Salem for transfer to a user’s home or personal computer or other electronic media. This prohibition pertains to all copyrighted material, commercial and non-commercial software for which licenses need to be acquired, and all other software and files not directly related to the instructional and administrative purposes of Salem. For example, users may not download copyrighted materials such as movies, music, or other files unless they are related to academic coursework and they have been authorized to do so. This prohibition does not pertain to subscription streaming services that users are entitled to access.
  • Downloading, copying, otherwise duplicating, and/or distributing copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited, except where authorized by law.
  • Use of Electronic Resources for any unlawful purpose is prohibited.
  • Use of Electronic Resources in a manner that violates any other Salem policies or rules is prohibited.
  • Use of Electronic Resources to communicate profanity, obscenity, defamation, threats, or hate mail or to engage in stalking, bullying, harassment, discrimination, or any other abusive behaviors is prohibited.
  • Connecting network devices or running network services on any personal computer (PC) is prohibited. Network devices such as hubs and wireless access points may not be installed on the Salem network as they can disrupt regular network traffic. Additionally, PCs should not be set up to share files with others. This could be construed as illegal file sharing and also potentially exposes personal files to others (including hackers).
  • Use of devices on campus that broadcast radio frequencies in the same bandwidths as wireless signals and that interfere with Salem wireless networks is prohibited. Users who need help disabling this functionality should contact the IT Help Desk.
  • Any purchase of an Electronic Resource, engagement into a service level agreement pertaining to Electronic Resources, or other engagement of, third party services that could meet Salem’s definition of an Electronic Resource will be approved by the Director of Information Technology and/or the CIO. Any contracts for such services will be signed by the Director of Information Technology or the CIO, as will any invoice for such resources or services. The disposition, dispensation, or charges to divisions for such Electronic Resources is at the sole discretion of the Information Technology Department.

Disciplinary Action

Violations of this policy by students will be addressed by the student conduct and administrative hearing processes stated in the Student Handbook. Employees in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures by the supervisory authority to which the employee is subject. Violation of local, state, or federal laws, rules, or regulations may also result in civil or criminal proceedings.

Salem has the right to suspend or modify computer access privileges and passwords and to examine files, accounting information, printouts, tapes, and any other material that may aid in maintaining the integrity and efficient operation of its Electronic Resources. Users whose activity is viewed as a threat to the operation of Salem’s Electronic Resources, who abuse the rights of other users, or who refuse to cease behavior that violates this policy may have their user privileges revoked.

Notes to ERUP

1Electronic Resources include any computer, computerized device, peripheral device, software, computer network, electronic communication carried by computer network, Internet access, telephone, mobile device, domains, or electronic infrastructure or files, regardless of whether it is used for administration, research, teaching, or other purposes, which is owned, leased, operated, or maintained by Salem Academy and College.

2Salem does not offer Salem students a permanent Salem email address after they graduate or leave. Approximately one year after Salem students graduate or otherwise leave, their account will be suspended and/or deleted. For example, the email account of a student who leaves Salem in the spring and does not return as a student by the following spring will be deleted and any data associated with that account will be lost.

Salem Academy and College Computer Lab Acceptable Use Policy


Salem Academy and College (“Salem”) recognizes the value of computers, networks, email, the Internet, and other electronic resources (collectively, “Electronic Resources”) to improve1 student learning and to enhance the administration and operation of its schools. In support of the mission and goals of the institution, Salem requires the responsible use of Electronic Resources and implements this policy for the purpose of establishing general guidelines for students, employees, and guests regarding the acceptable use of Electronic Resources owned, leased, operated, or maintained by Salem. This policy supplements and is to be reviewed in conjunction with Salem’s Acceptable Usage of Electronic Resources policy.


This acceptable use policy (AUP) pertains to Computer Labs and is intended to supplement the general, Electronic Resource AUP. It is the view of the Information Technology Department and the Information Technology Advisory Council that the following rules and guidelines promote the good of the student computing community and are in the spirit of the Salem community. To this end, Salem makes the following assertions:

  • Computer labs at Salem are Salem Electronic Resources and are made available only to students, faculty, and staff. Further, access to these Electronic Resources is wholly at the discretion of Salem.
  • Using the labs is a privilege.

Faculty and Staff Responsibilities

  • Faculty and staff members who supervise students, control electronic equipment, or otherwise have occasion to observe student use of said equipment shall make reasonable efforts to monitor the use of this equipment to assure that it conforms to the mission and goals of Salem.

User Responsibilities

  • Abide by the general Salem Academy and College Acceptable Use Policy
  • Take reasonable measures to protect your account information, lab combinations, and any other information related to access to Salem data resources
  • Use best practices for securing your computer accounts:
    • Use strong passwords, i.e., passwords that are at least eight characters long and contain uppercase, lowercase, and numeric characters
      • Avoid passwords that are the same as your login name, first or last name, or any word that would be easy to guess
      • Remember your password and do not write it down
    • Lock your workstation if you are going to leave it for longer than a few minutes. However, in the computer labs, please log off and remove your personal items if you anticipate being gone for more than 10 minutes to give others an opportunity to use the computer.

Standards for Acceptable Use of Computer Labs

Users will practice proper computer and Internet etiquette and to abide by the following rules governing lab use:

  • No food or smoking in the labs. Covered drinks are allowed as long as they are removed when you leave.
  • Paper, staplers or staples, tape or dispensers, hole punchers, computer or IT equipment, chairs or anything else should not be removed from the computer labs.
  • Class-related work takes precedence over ANY other use of the computers.
  • Only one active session is allowed per person to a computer at a time.
  • The entry code to lab doors may not be given to anyone else. The door to the lab shall be kept closed. The door may not be opened by someone inside the lab to admit someone who does not have the combination.
  • Playing games on laboratory computers is prohibited unless specifically authorized by a faculty member for instructional purposes.
  • No activity that creates an environment non-conducive to studying is allowed. Examples of such activity include, but are not limited to:
    • loud talking
    • music played without headphones
    • taking calls on cell phones
    • excessive texting without silencing vibration and sounds

Disciplinary Action

Violations of this policy by students will be addressed by the student conduct and administrative hearing processes stated in the Student Handbook. Employees in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures by the supervisory authority to which the employee is subject. Violation of local, state, or federal laws, rules, or regulations result in civil or criminal proceedings.

Salem has the right to suspend or modify computer access privileges and passwords and to examine files, accounting information, printouts, tapes, and any other material that may aid in maintaining the integrity and efficient operation of the system. Users whose activity is viewed as a threat to the operation of the Electronic Resources of Salem, who abuse the rights of other users, or who refuse to cease behavior that violates this policy may have their user privileges revoked.

User Agreement

By using Electronic Resources on campus, I agree that I have read, understand, and will abide by the above Acceptable Usage of Electronic Resources Policy when using computer and other electronic resources owned, leased, operated, or maintained by Salem Academy and College. I further understand that any violation of the guidelines stated in this policy may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation of this policy, I acknowledge and agree that my access privileges may be revoked, disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action may be initiated.


1Electronic Resources include any computer, computerized device, peripheral device, software, computer network, electronic communication carried by computer network, Internet access, telephone, mobile device, domains, or electronic infrastructure or files, regardless of whether it is used for administration, research, teaching, or other purposes, which is owned, leased, operated, or maintained by Salem Academy and College.