Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected) 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected)

Academic Program

The academic program at Salem College has its foundation and purpose in the traditional liberal arts and sciences. Salem believes that every student should have a substantive engagement with liberal learning to ensure that she has a reasonable command of the intellectual skills and cultural resources she needs to be productive in a changing and increasingly complex world. Beyond that, the College expects each student to demonstrate competence in a major area of interest, as well as breadth of knowledge in subject matter central to the liberal arts, sufficient to enable her to prepare for graduate or professional school, a career or other opportunities requiring a liberal education.

To meet these objectives, the curriculum at Salem requires that every student complete the Salem Impact, the College’s core curriculum program, and complete at least one academic major from among those available at the College. Because the College places a premium on meeting the special interests and needs of each student, the curriculum offers minors and programs, as well as extensive opportunities for independent study, off-campus study, study abroad and internships.

Academic Advising

The purpose of the academic advising program at Salem is to assist each student in planning an educational program consistent with her life goals and interests. The academic advising program consists of two parts. The first phase is first-year advising; the second phase is advising of majors. Each incoming student is assigned a faculty advisor who is also the instructor of their SALEM 110/SALEM 111  (First-year Seminar) course. Each transfer student is initially advised by the Director of Advising and Retention and later assigned a faculty advisor based on their academic interests. Transfer students are not required to take SALEM 110/111. Once the student declares her major, usually by the spring of her sophomore year, she is assigned a new faculty advisor in the major. A student may change her faculty advisor at any time either by consultation with the dean of undergraduate studies or chair of the division in which she has declared her major. While the College provides a complete advising program to assist students, the ultimate responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with the student.

Degrees and Requirements

Candidates for each degree must complete at least 120 semester hours for graduation. All degree candidates must complete the Salem Impact requirements for their degree, a major and the needed electives to complete 120 semester hours.

Graduation Requirements

Candidates for each degree must complete at least 120 semester hours for graduation. All degree candidates must complete the Salem Impact requirements for their degree, a major and the needed electives to complete 120 semester hours. Every student must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 (C average) over all courses attempted at Salem College to qualify for a degree. Furthermore, a 2.00 average over all courses applicable to the major is required for graduation. If the student chooses to declare a minor, a 2.00 minimum GPA in all courses required for the minor is also required.

While all prospective graduates are invited to participate in a number of activities for seniors throughout the spring term, only students who have fully met all of the requirements for graduation prior to the commencement date are eligible to participate in the awarding of the diplomas at the graduation exercises. Students who graduate in August or December will be eligible to participate in the next May commencement ceremony.

In order to qualify for a Salem degree a student must complete a minimum of thirty semester hours in residence at Salem College. A student must also meet the residency requirements of the major(s).

Once a student is enrolled at Salem, courses taken at other institutions accredited by an accreditor that is recognized by the Council for Higher Education or the U.S. Department of Education are applicable to the degree only if approved in advance by 1) the relevant program director offering a comparable course, 2) the registrar, and 3) the student’s advisor. Pre-approval ensures course transferability, applicability toward degree, major, or minor requirements, and adherence to Salem residency requirements. Transfer credit pre-approval forms can be obtained here: registrar@salem.edu. Once coursework is completed, the student must have official transcripts of coursework sent to the Office of the Registrar at Salem.

The catalog (or catalog supplement, if applicable) issued during the year in which a student enters Salem College is the catalog that governs the general degree requirements, provided that coursework is completed within six years of entrance and that the student’s enrollment has not been interrupted for one calendar year or more. A student may petition the College to follow the general degree requirements listed in a subsequent catalog in force during her period of enrollment. For major and minor requirements, the governing catalog is the one in effect when the student declares the major or minor, except as noted below. Exceptions may be necessary in order to conform to standards of external accrediting bodies.

Any student who is approved for readmission after one calendar year or more or who returns to the College after a “step out” period of one calendar year or more (two consecutive regular terms) will be bound by all requirements (including general degree requirements and major requirements) of the catalog in effect at the time of re-enrollment; the college may also re-evaluate previously awarded transfer credit. Prior-year catalogs are viewable at registrar@salem.edu.

General Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BS)

At least 120 semester hours, including a major and the Salem Impact core curriculum, are required for the bachelor of arts (BA) or bachelor of science (BS).

A student who enters Salem with college-level credit from an early-college/dual enrollment high school program, whereby the student typically completes high school and works toward an associate’s degree at the same time, and who has not attended another college subsequent to her high school graduation, shall be considered a first-time, first-year student during her first semester at Salem, and will be included in the incoming class cohort. During her first semester at Salem, such a student will be required to enroll in SALEM 110 and will be considered a first-time, first-year student for advising, housing, parking and other purposes dependent upon first-year standing, regardless of her student classification (first-year, sophomore, junior or senior).

Requirements for a Second Baccalaureate Degree, Major or Minor

Salem College confers two undergraduate degrees: bachelor of arts (BA), and the bachelor of science (BS). Each degree requires the completion of at least 120 semester hours and all core curriculum and major/minor requirements. Students may pursue multiple majors or minors within a degree or multiple degrees, however, any degree (BA, BS) is granted only once regardless of the number of majors or minors within it.

Concurrent Degrees

Students seeking two degrees concurrently must fulfill the core curriculum requirements for both degrees when those requirements differ and complete at least twenty-four additional semester hours beyond the 120 semester hours required for the first degree. Such students are strongly encouraged to consult with the dean of undergraduate studies and their academic advisor(s).

Completion of a second degree or major after graduation from Salem College

A student who has graduated from Salem and wishes to return to pursue an additional major or minor under the previously earned degree (for example, a second major in history, after completing a BA in English) does not pursue a second degree. These students are only required to take the course(s) needed to complete the additional major or minor and are admitted as post-baccalaureate, non-degree students.

Requirements for a second baccalaureate degree are applicable when a student returns to Salem to pursue a major that falls under a separate degree from the one previously earned. These students are admitted as post-baccalaureate, degree-seeking students and must complete at least twenty-four hours and satisfy any additional core curriculum, major and elective requirements for the second degree.

In both cases, post-baccalaureate studies are recorded separately from the prior degree studies; however, transcripts will include the student’s complete academic record and will list all completed degrees, majors and/or minors.

Requirements for a Second Baccalaureate Degree-Graduates of Other Colleges

Students who graduated from another college or university with a bachelor’s degree and who are admitted to Salem College to obtain a second bachelor’s degree must meet all requirements toward the degree, including major and Salem Impact requirements; at least thirty semester hours toward the second bachelor’s degree must be taken at Salem. The Transfer Credit Policy, as published in the Salem College Undergraduate Catalog, applies.

Any student who is approved for readmission after one calendar year or more or who returns to the College after a “step out” period of one calendar year or more will be bound by all requirements (including general degree requirements and major requirements) of the catalog in effect at the time of re-enrollment; the college may also re-evaluate previously awarded transfer credit. Prior-year catalogs are viewable at registrar@salem.edu.

Applying for Graduation

Degrees are conferred in August, December, and May, with one commencement ceremony in May for all graduates in that academic year. ALL students must apply to graduate. Deadlines for submitting graduation applications to the Registrar’s Office (all students): November 1st for the following May and August graduation; September 1st for December of the same year. While all prospective graduates are invited to participate in a number of activities for seniors throughout the spring term, only students who have fully met all of the requirements for graduation prior to the commencement date are eligible to participate in the awarding of the diplomas at the graduation exercises. Students who graduate in August or December will be eligible to participate in the next May commencement ceremony.

Senior Audits

Each summer, the Registrar’s Office will review the academic progress of all students who have senior status and are expected to graduate the following May. To be eligible to receive this review, students must have officially declared all majors/minors; and plan to complete their graduation requirements within three semesters This review will be provided to the student and the student’s faculty advisor. The senior letter is provided as a service to assist in tracking the student’s progress towards graduation; however, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to ensure that all graduation requirements have been met. If the planned graduation date changes, it is up to the student to inform the Registrar’s Office. If students have not received a senior letter by September 1, they should contact the Registrar’s Office. Senior reviews will be provided only once.

Diploma Name and Legal Name Changes

At the discretion of College, students may be permitted to use alternate first and/or middle names (not surname) on their diploma; however, only the student’s legal name will be reflected on official academic records. Students should be advised that discrepancies between names as they appear on official records and on the diploma may cause complications when providing information to third parties, particularly in foreign countries. Students who wish to change their legal names must provide legal documentation in support of the change (court records, driver’s license, Social Security card, etc.). Further information regarding legal name changes may be obtained through the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Majors

A major must be completed according to the requirements of the degree and of the division which offers the major. The governing catalog (or catalog supplement) for specific major requirements is the one in effect at the time the student declares the major.

Majors and Degrees Available

As part of their liberal arts curriculum, students are strongly encouraged to pursue a breadth of coursework outside a single major and the Salem Impact requirements. Academic advisors work closely with students to aid in the selection of additional elective coursework, a minor or a second major.

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

The bachelor of arts degree offers the student the opportunity to major in one or more of the following fields: biology, business administration, chemistry, communication and media studies, design, English and writing studies, environmental studies, exercise science, history, health communication, health humanities, health science, integrative studies, mathematics, nonprofit management and community leadership, political science, psychological sciences, public health, race and ethnicity studies, religious studies, sociology, Spanish, teaching, schools and society and visual and performing arts. Education licensure programs or concentrations are available for art, biology, chemistry, English, history, mathematics, psychology, sociology and Spanish majors.

For the bachelor of arts degree, a major generally requires eight to 11 courses in a single discipline, or 10 to 14 in two or more disciplines. No major may require more than 11 courses in a single discipline nor more than 16 in two or more disciplines, with the exception of business administration, design, education, and public health.

Bachelor of Science (BS)

The bachelor of science degree offers the student the opportunity to major in biochemistry, biology, computer science, exercise science, health science, mathematics, and psychological sciences.

Declaration of the Major

As part of a liberal arts education, students are encouraged to take courses in a range of disciplines before declaring a major. Students should discuss their major options with their academic advisor. To declare a major, the student must complete at least one required course (for a minimum of 3 semester hours) in the program toward the major; the course must be taken at Salem College and the G.P.A. for that course (or courses, if more than one course has been taken in the major program) must be 2.00 or greater. (See below for policies governing declaration of majors for transfer students.)

After declaring a major and completing three courses (9 or more semester hours) toward the major at Salem College, a student who fails to maintain a 2.00 G.P.A. in that coursework forfeits the right to continue in that major unless a temporary exemption is granted by the program concerned. Under such an exemption, the student’s progress toward the major will be re-evaluated at the end of the term following the exemption. In all cases, if the student has completed five courses (15 or more semester hours) toward the major but failed to maintain a 2.00 GPA in those courses, the student shall be removed from the major and shall be required to meet with the dean of undergraduate studies to discuss alternative programs of academic study.

To graduate, a student must obtain a 2.00 minimum GPA in all courses required for the major. In calculating the major GPA, all courses specified as major requirements will be included. If a student repeats a course that is required for the major, only the highest grade earned will be used to calculate the major GPA; all grades are used to calculate the overall GPA.

A student who wishes to graduate with more than one major must complete all of the requirements, including the GPA minimum, for each major. For majors within the BA and BS degrees, students fulfill the core curriculum requirements only once. Such students are strongly encouraged to consult with the dean of undergraduate studies and their academic advisor(s).

All students must declare a major no later than the registration period prior to achieving junior standing (57 hours). Students who enter Salem as sophomores, juniors, or seniors must declare a major no later than the end of the drop/add period following their first full term at Salem. Students who fail to declare a major by the appropriate deadline will be prevented from registering for the next full term until they do so. Students who, by the deadline, are prevented from declaring their desired major (e.g., because of their GPA) will be assigned to the Director of Academic Advising & Retention and granted a one-semester extension but will be expected to declare a major by the beginning of the following full academic term or be prevented from registering.

Transfer students who enter Salem College with at least junior standing, and who have been regular college students (not early college students/dual enrolled high school students) may declare their major upon matriculation, provided they are transferring in at least one course that would count towards the major. They must also take at least one Salem course (minimum of 3 semester hours) that counts towards the major in their first semester and must make a 2.0 or better in that course or courses in order to continue as a major in that program.

Transfer students who enter Salem as juniors or seniors must declare a major no later than the end of the drop/add period following their first full term at Salem. Students who fail to declare a major by the appropriate deadline will be prevented from registering for the next full term until they do so. Students who, by the deadline, are prevented from declaring their desired major (e.g., because of their GPA) will be assigned to the Director of Academic Advising & Retention and granted a one-semester extension but will be expected to declare a major by the beginning of the following full academic term or be prevented from registering.

Academic Minors

Every student, regardless of degree program, has the option of electing a minor in addition to the chosen major. A minor consists of a sequence of courses, designated by the program, of no fewer than 12 semester hours and no more than six courses in a field. To complete a minor, a student must obtain a 2.00 minimum GPA in all courses required for the minor. In calculating the minor GPA, all courses specified as minor requirements will be included. If a student repeats a course that is required for the minor, only the highest grade earned will be used to calculate the minor GPA; all grades are used to calculate the overall GPA.

No more than three courses, regardless of semester hours, may be counted toward both a student’s major and a minor.

The following minors are now available to students: art history, biology, business administration, business entrepreneurship, chemistry, coaching, communication and media studies, creative writing, data science, design, English and professional writing, environmental studies, health humanities, history, mathematics, music, nonprofit management and community leadership, nutrition, political science, psychological sciences, public health, race and ethnicity studies, religious studies, sociology, Spanish, Spanish for health professions, studio art, therapeutic arts, visual and performing arts, visual literature, and women’s gender and sexuality studies. The requirements for each minor may be found following the description in the catalog of each major.