Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected) 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog (Curriculog Connected)

Special Academic Opportunities

Pre-Professional Programs

The Women in Science and Mathematics Program

The Women in Science and Mathematics (WISM) Program is designed to provide academic and career support for Salem students interested in pursuing careers in science or mathematics. The WISM Program is open to all members of the Salem community.

Pre-Medical Program

Most medical schools recommend a liberal-arts background with specific training in certain areas of the natural sciences as the best preparation for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and, subsequently, for the demands of medical school. In concurrence with this philosophy, Salem has no set curriculum designated as a “pre-medical major.” Rather, each student interested in a career in medicine is encouraged to pursue a major in their own area of special interests and abilities, and, if this area lies outside the sciences, they are advised to add the appropriate coursework in biology, chemistry, math and physics. Anatomy and physiology, genetics, microbiology, organic and biochemistry, all math courses through calculus and general physics are recommended to provide the fundamental prerequisites and background for success in the medical school curriculum.

The pre-medical advisor and the faculty assist the student in planning her program of study, in the medical school application process and in her preparation for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). Additionally, seminars on admissions, visits by medical school admissions personnel and arranged tours of area medical schools occur throughout the school year. Students are invited to attend advising sessions provided by the Lucy Rose Center Center for Global Leadership and Career Innovation that assist students throughout the application process in school selection, crafting their personal statement, financial aid, test prep, and interview preparation.

Students interested in preparing for dental school, a physician assistant program, veterinary school, a physical therapy program or other allied health or health-related program will find that the statements above apply to them as well. Additional advising resources pertaining to medical and allied health careers can be found on the pre-health advising page of My Salem.

Students interested in preparing for medical school should contact the pre-medical advisor early in their academic programs to ensure that they may take full advantage of the opportunities which Salem provides.

Pre-Law Program

The curriculum for a student interested in a law career is not prescribed. Any undergraduate major in the liberal arts will provide the necessary background to meet the expectations of law schools. Law schools seek students with well-developed analytic, communication and interpretive skills. Courses in history, sociology, economics, political science, logic, English and mathematics are particularly helpful in providing such a background.

Salem offers a large number of courses of special value to the pre-law student, and she is urged to take the following courses during her undergraduate years in preparation for law school:

In addition, a Salem pre-law student, depending on her area of legal interest, should consider taking some of the following:

A social science internship in a law office; a local, state or national government office; or a social service agency is also recommended. Salem offers students interested in law an advising program to help them prepare for law school. Students interested in pre-law should see the pre-law advisor during their first term at Salem to ensure that they take advantage of the services which the College provides.

International Studies

Salem offers a variety of programs and opportunities to the student interested in international affairs or seeking preparation for a career in the international community.

Model United Nations Program

Salem College has a long, well-established tradition of participation in the annual Collegiate National Model United Nations (NMUN) program that meets in New York City each spring. This program provides an opportunity for Salem students to experience a simulation of the delegate activities of selected country delegations to the United Nations. Students from all over the world gather to assume the role of one of many diplomatic representatives to a country assigned to each school’s delegation by the NMUN. All delegation participants are required to learn and understand the issues of importance to the representative nation, develop position papers that facilitate the development of working papers and the submission of resolutions for approval by a NMUN General Assembly.

Off-Campus Programs

Study Abroad

Students interested in studying abroad should contact the executive director of the Lucy Rose Center early in their academic careers. In an effort to provide access to as many regions of the world as possible, Salem College has partnered with other programs that offer accredited study abroad courses. These partners offer opportunities for semester-long, or summer study abroad. Students who wish to study abroad must be in good academic standing; individual travel programs may have additional requirements for eligibility, such as a minimum GPA or language proficiency. Unless explicitly offered as a course taught with the participation of Salem College faculty, all study abroad credit is considered non-residential transfer credit. All study abroad programs must be approved in advance. Costs associated with study abroad are the responsibility of the student unless otherwise noted.

Academic Semester or Year Abroad

AIFS Study Abroad
AIFS Study Abroad offers semester and year-long study abroad programs in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Latin Americas. AIFS programs hold students to high academic standards and help students prepare for a global marketplace, with many programs that include service learning, internship, and volunteer opportunities. Learn more about the many destination countries and programs by visiting the AIFS website at https://www.aifsabroad.com/

CIS Abroad
CIS Study Abroad offers semester and year-long study abroad and intern abroad programs in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Latin Americas, and many multi-country programs as well. Learn more about the many destination countries and programs by visiting the CIS website at https://www.cisabroad.com/.

CEA Study Abroad brings high-quality international academic programs and services to students. Along the way students will learn to communicate across cultures, gain independence, become self aware and achieve international understanding. Learn more about the many destination countries and programs by visiting the CEA website at https://www.ceastudyabroad.com/.

Harlaxton College (Grantham, England)
Salem students have the opportunity to spend a semester at Harlaxton College, a 100-room manor house in the English Midlands that serves as a self-contained university campus owned and operated by the University of Evansville. The curriculum includes a British studies course, enriched with regular field trips to historic English sites, and an array of liberal arts classes. A four-day school week facilitates additional travel beyond Britain. On campus, you will live among other American students with the services of a dean and other professionals, but not be isolated from the English; the staff, customs, and food are all British. Students must be sophomores or above, have a strong academic record, and must be approved by the dean of undergraduate studies. Learn more about Harlaxton by visiting the website at https://harlaxton.evansville.edu/

Meredith College (Sansepolcro, Italy)
Salem students can travel off the beaten path to a medieval town in the heart of Tuscany, where fellow women’s college Meredith College offers classes in a historic palazzo. Fall semester courses emphasize Italian language, culture, arts and the humanities; Spring semester courses rotate through different liberal arts disciplines. Learn more by visiting the Meredith College in Palazzo Alberti website at https://www.meredith.edu.

St. Clare’s Liberal Arts Program (Oxford, England)
St Clare’s is an independent, international college whose liberal arts course of studies is designed for students who wish to supplement their academic programs with a semester or year of study in England. Students choose from a selection of courses from across the liberal arts curriculum. Salem students will find numerous courses that fulfill the College’s core curriculum requirements for graduation. For more information, see the St. Clare’s website at https://www.stclares.ac.uk/.

Students who wish to study abroad through a different program of studies should contact the coordinator of study abroad. Students may not study abroad in countries where the State Department has issued current travel warnings.

Summer Study Abroad
All of the partner organizations described under Academic Year or Semester Abroad also offer summer study abroad programs, which last between 3 and 5 weeks and provide students the opportunity to take one or two courses in a variety of disciplines. In addition, Salem offers two unique summer study abroad opportunities in partnership with St. Peter’s College of Oxford University.

St. Peter’s College Summer School (Oxford, England)
Rising seniors with a GPA of 3.2 or higher may enroll in a five-week summer program at St. Peter’s College and take courses in medieval studies, English literature, or environmental studies. Students work with Oxford University faculty in the tutorial tradition, culminating in an independent research paper. This program is open to rising seniors with a minimum Salem grade point average of 3.2. Learn more at http://www.oxsummerschools.co.uk/

Salem College at St. Peter’s College, Oxford University
Salem College conducts a three-week program at St. Peter’s College every two or three years.

Washington Semester Program
In cooperation with American University, Salem College provides an opportunity for a student interested in public affairs to spend a semester in Washington, D.C. The program includes several tracks, such as: “Justice,” “American Government,” “Urban Affairs,” “Foreign Policy,” “International Environment and Development,” “Economic Policy,” and other topics. See www.american.edu/washingtonsemester for more information. Eligibility is based on a minimum G.P.A. of 2.50 and the completion of at least one course in political science, sociology, history or economics. Openings in the Washington Semester Program are limited. Students chosen for this program participate fully in the suburban campus life of American University. Applications for the program, available from the dean of undergraduate studies, are due by March 15 or October 15 for the following semester. Students participating in the program are charged directly by American University and pay their fees to the university. Other expenses to be considered are transportation, books and miscellaneous charges. Course credit earned through the Washington Semester Program is considered non-residential transfer credit.

Special Opportunities

Wake Forest University/Salem College Cross-Registration
Full-time degree-seeking undergraduate Salem College students may register for courses at Wake Forest University (Reynolda campus) after their first semester of study at Salem if they

  1. are in good academic standing,
  2. are registering for a course that is not offered at Salem College,
  3. have demonstrated satisfactory work and class attendance habits,
  4. are concurrently enrolled in a minimum of eight semester hours at Salem, and
  5. have the approval of the dean of undergraduate studies at Salem and the appropriate official at Wake Forest University.

Note: ROTC courses and marching band at Wake Forest are open to qualifying first-year Salem College students. Courses taken at Wake Forest are governed by Salem College’s academic rules, including repeat rules, not by Wake Forest’s rules.

Cross-registration for Wake Forest University courses must be processed through the Salem College Office of the Registrar. The student is responsible for adhering to both Salem College and Wake Forest University procedures and deadlines.

Students must inquire with the appropriate officials at Wake Forest University to determine if any other fees apply. All parking fees and fines are the responsibility of the student. All cross-registered coursework taken at Wake Forest University is considered residential credit, not transfer credit when taken in a fall or spring semester. All grades earned during fall and spring semesters are transferred at face value. Tuition is charged for courses taken over the summer and grades are treated as transfer credit (see transfer credit policies in this catalog).

Students should attend the first day of class at Wake Forest and request permission of the instructor to enter the course. While this arrangement has been very successful in the past, Wake students take priority over Salem students and students are not guaranteed a space in the class. Salem students cannot be registered until after the first day of class. During the first week of class, students should have the instructor email registrar@wfu.edu with permission to register. Once Wake receives the email confirmation from the instructor, the student will be emailed with information regarding parking, obtaining a Deacon Onecard and a Wake ID.

Students must be registered for Wake classes by the end of Salem’s drop/add deadline. If not registered by the deadline, registration will not be allowed. The last day to withdraw from the course with a W grade is the first of either Wake Forest’s or Salem’s deadline. Please note that Wake Forest’s withdrawal date may be earlier than Salem’s. Requests to withdraw from Wake courses after the withdrawal date will not be honored, and the grade earned in the course, including F’s, will be recorded on your Salem transcript.

Salem students are responsible for their own transportation and obeying all Wake Forest parking regulations while on campus. Salem students will need to register in the Parking Services Office. The link to the Parking Services page is http://parking.wfu.edu/ Here you will find maps for the parking areas, shuttle schedules and many other pieces of parking information.

Acadeum Courses
Acadeum is an online platform that allows institutions to share access to online courses. Students are allowed to take a course in the Acadeum platform in specific situations, such as when Salem is unable to offer a course that the student needs to graduate within a particular term. The Dean of Undergraduate Studies reviews all student requests to determine eligibility.

College Honors Program
Salem offers a formal College Honors Program of courses and independent study, which gives exceptionally talented students opportunities to do honors-level work in a variety of fields. Honors work involves advanced reading, extensive writing, seminar discussions, oral presentations and the completion of a major paper. Students in the arts may undertake Honors work which culminates in an exhibition or performance. Natural/physical science, social science and humanities students may conduct research projects which lead to the preparation of a senior thesis. Completion of the College Honors Program results in graduation with College Honors.

Entering first-year students whose high school cumulative GPA is 3.5 or higher (based on a 4.0 scale) are eligible for admission to the College Honors Program.

Current Salem College students who have a 3.50 or higher cumulative GPA are also eligible for admission to the College Honors Program.

There are three components in the College Honors Program: Honors courses in the academic disciplines, interdisciplinary seminars and Honors Independent Study courses. In order to graduate with College Honors, the student must complete six Honors courses and maintain a 3.5 or greater cumulative GPA The six Honors courses must include at least one Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar (HONR 210), one Disciplinary Honors Seminar (HONR 220) and two Honors Independent Study courses in the major. A student may fulfill the remaining two course requirements by taking additional Honors courses (including SALEM 111) or by doing honors options in regular courses. No more than two Honors Independent Study courses may be used towards the six Honors courses required for College Honors.

Aside from the Honors Independent Study courses, which are offered by the individual programs, honors course offerings are coordinated by the Honors Program committee. Each semester two upper level honors courses, usually one Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar (HONR 210) and one Disciplinary Honors Seminar (HONR 220), are offered. In scheduling Honors courses, the Honors Program committee attempts to ensure that, over time, a variety of student interests will be served.

Students who maintain a 3.50 cumulative GPA may elect to enroll in honors courses without completing all the components of the College Honors Program. Students with at least a 3.50 average in the subject area are eligible to enroll in a disciplinary course in that subject. Only students who complete the entire program will be eligible for graduation with College Honors.

Academic Program Honors
To graduate with Academic Program Honors (honors in a major), a student must complete two Honors Independent Study courses (3 semester hours each, minimum) in that major, be recommended by her program and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above in the discipline.

Integrative Studies Major
The Integrative Studies major provides students the opportunity to pursue an interdisciplinary program of study that is not typically offered as part of the College curriculum. In this major, a student designs a coherent program that combines existing resources in the curriculum to create an interdisciplinary study of a specific area of interest. The major is designed in collaboration with an academic advisor and the director of the Integrative Studies Program. After establishing learning outcomes, the advisor, the director, and the student select appropriate courses, internships, and learning experiences designed to help the student develop and demonstrate a body of knowledge in a specific area. The major requires a minimum of ten courses and 30 semester hours, including advanced courses in at least two disciplines, a senior capstone course or independent study project, and no more than two additional independent studies (regardless of the number of semester hours). A student in good academic standing may design and submit her proposal in collaboration with a faculty member and the director of the program in her sophomore year or in the first term of her junior year.

Interdisciplinary Majors
Besides the integrative studies major option, Salem offers a variety of existing programs for interdisciplinary study. Interdisciplinary majors, which combine advanced-level study from two or more fields, are offered in areas including biochemistry, exercise science, health advocacy and humanitarian systems, health communication, health humanities, health science, nonprofit management and community leadership, and race and ethnicity studies. These majors offer students a variety of options: formal courses, independent study, internships and research projects.

Salem College encourages internship opportunities for students to link their academic major with practical experience in a variety of career areas. Qualified students may take internships during the regular term as well as during the summer. To qualify, a student must have a 2.00 GPA and have completed her first year of college.

A few examples of internships that Salem students have completed in recent years are:

  • Art History: Reynolda House Museum of American Art, SECCA
  • Accounting: NC State Treasury Department; Digitek International Ltd; State Employees Credit Union
  • Biology: clinical and/or research internships, the WFU School of Medicine and Baptist Medical Center; Forsyth Medical Center; Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Health Department; University of Arizona REU; East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine; Virginia Institute of Marine Science
  • Biochemistry: WFU Center for Precision Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine
  • Business administration: Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management; Edward D. Jones; Winston-Salem Department of Human Relations; Mixxer; Center for Creative Economy; Forvis- High Point
  • Chemistry: Glaxo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Mayo Clinic; Green Chemistry Institute; WFU School of Medicine; WFU Department of Chemistry
  • Communication: Turner Broadcasting, Atlanta; Panthere Communications; Poesis Magazine; News Sentinel; Press 53; ABC 45 WXLV-tv & My48 WMYV
  • Psychological Science: Family Services; Camel City Counseling; Bayada Home Health
  • Economics: Merrill Lynch; Smith Barney (Atlanta); Center for Micro Finance; Wells Fargo
  • English: Children’s Theatre; Old Salem; Blair Publishing; DeHart and Company; Cultural Voice of NC
  • Health and Exercise Science: Chermak and Hansen, Applied Family Services, Spring Arbor of Greensboro; A Proper View; Arbor Acres
  • History: N.C. Supreme Court; N.C. Museum of History; Legal Services of NC; Old Salem; Muse
  • Interior Design: Dynasty Furniture; Furnitureland South; Angela Morton Interior Design, Arbor Acres; Logan Oliver Design; Mona & Associates Design
  • Music: Winston-Salem Piedmont Triad Symphony; SoundLizzard Productions
  • Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership: The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem, Museum of Art, Scott Cares Foundation; Colours Performing Arts Troupe, Love Out Loud, Crisis Control Ministries
  • Political Science: N.C. GOP Headquarters; Office of the District Attorney; Guilford County
  • Religious Studies: St. Anne’s Episcopal Church; Crisis Control Ministry, Greenstreet UMC
  • Sociology: Forsyth County Sheriff Department; Winston-Salem Police Department; YMCA; The Ark
  • Spanish: Missionary work in Honduras; work with local Hispanic newspaper; translating for the Department of Social Services; Que Pasa; The Hispanic League of Winston Salem
  • Studio Art/Design: Logo-designs work for a local biotech company, Mixxer, Kaleideum, Krista Cox Design; Arts Council; Infograph Creative

Students interested in planning and participating in internships should discuss their ideas with their academic adviser or the program director of their major. The Lucy Rose Center for Global Leadership and Career Innovation is also a resource in providing orientation sessions and resources. The maximum number of internship semester hours allowed for graduation is sixteen.

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (Army ROTC)
Students at Salem College may participate in the U.S. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps, which prepares participants to become officers in the United States Army while completing their degree. Students complete a curriculum in military science, conducted on the campus of Wake Forest University. Student participation in the coursework at Wake Forest is subject to the Wake Forest University-Salem College Cross-Registration guidelines published in this catalog. Scholarship assistance is available. Students with an interest in Army ROTC should contact the dean of undergraduate studies for more information.

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (Air Force ROTC)
Students at Salem College may participate in the U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, which prepares servicesparticipants to become officers in the United States Air Force while completing their degree. Students complete a curriculum in military science, conducted on the campus of North Carolina A&T State University. Scholarship assistance is available. Students with an interest in Air Force ROTC should contact the dean of undergraduate studies for more information.